When I was young my parents taught me to always be gapPart of my money and "Save for a rainy day." II had no time to understand exactly what is meant by a "rainy day"I am now. You never know when the car is going to breakDown, the refrigerator or a full one hundred and oneAccidents and other small that you need moreFor money. If you have set money aside to make more purchasesFor the best deal, because they pay package and save moneyFor.
Since then I've said before from other sources to ensure the safetyThe need for a savings of only six months' salary to get a fair basis.This should not net savings, stocks, bonds, etc., shouldThis easy access in case you lost your job orAnother disaster. Will be included in a brief privateSaving time.
As my father told me: "Son, you're going to get old days whenLet's get money to live. "This is whatI looked at the long-term savings. This is the best investment to beIn equities, bonds and mutual funds. Good Financial PlannerIt can help to identify who earn interest inWhen you are ready for investment.
Some analysts say the people to saveTo the extent that they are. This seems strange because most peopleEarn more than ever did, so let's see if you canFind a reason.
# 1. Now is the subject of our people. AllConceivable advertised on television, in newspapers and so a littleOr no down payment and easy monthly payments. AllYou want instant gratification, they can not stay long enoughSaving money on what they want until they buy on credit. AndThe people love to make moneyThe rich. After going deeper and deeper in debt you can not affordFrom left to save.
# 2. The various government social programs for theCaring for you in case of catastrophic illness and someUnemployment in case you lose your job. They alsoCaring for Social Security when you retire. Well, I thinkWhat are. And only care needs, andNothing else to enjoy. Just ask someoneI want to live on social security. The government saysThe Fund could run out of Social Security in the last twentyYears. What then?
# 3. The belief among some of the basicOn self-destruction. All of environmentalistsSome religious communities and the total destruction of the eyeEarth, and therefore there is no need in the future and save for the future.
Pessimists had continued throughout history, and nothingOffset from its true potential. So what isCurrent projections turn out to be wrong and in adulthoodOlder? What do you do next? Living on social security? What are theIf more social security?
If you already have a savings plan, which nowGiven the good time to consider. A good amount of savingsIn 10% of net salary to take a month. TheAlso well placed for half of these investments for suchStocks or mutual funds.
So you can not pay 10% of your current savings? SetAs if you can give only $ 10.00 per month.Acquire the habit of saving started as you can.As you can see the money begin to accumulate and be proudYou, because of the integrity of setting aside extra moneyThey want more money in savings, as you can.
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