Senin, 12 Desember 2011

Every word problem (make up an unforgettable speaker)

Every word problem: make up an unforgettable speaker

In sales, what if your prospects still remember very well why others choose to do business with you? Would it be interesting to you, if they feel they are more focused on your needs from your competitors? You can have this effect, without a major or language. When personnel decisions to consult with the contract, or a large investment, it is likely to argue with the team or committee, what they heard from several vendors and professional sales consultants. The goal is to remember and repeat your main ideas and advantages: you must be a great speaker.

Your goal should always be something to be remembered and repeated. If we ask the audience: "Who is the scope of the convention last year," In general, you can remember the theme and funny and dynamic, but most important, both in depth and the survey can not answer that seems to know what their life because they are not forgotten. To be memorized and repeated, you need a simple structure for your speech. The following tips will help your speech, so do not forget.

In the first place. If you improve the content of the presentation organized logically? Make it easy for you and your listeners to follow? The creative process is complicated: brainstorming, ideas, stories and concepts have to go through your presentation. However, you or people will not remember the basic idea, if your presentation around a central theme or room and talking points that the case was willing to do. Think of it as a point of wisdom. Each point can be illustrated with examples, case studies and statistics. Even if you are short sentences and words are often used and a good story, it is difficult to track exactly where to proceed, not your audience to remember and repeat their ideas.Patricia Fripp will deliver a speech at a sales presentation
Patricia Fripp will deliver a speech at a sales presentation

Initial three-hour seminar, the experts say: "I spoke with about twenty points." It's a lot to the public trying to remember, but it incredible, and their wonderful stories. However, 15 minutes before closing, it took three important points. Do you think the public will remember and quote the main point? Because there is a fixed structure, can not remember your point without search your notes.

Both the analysis. Listen to draw himself, and even consider a copy of your presentation. Finding ways for clearer, sharper and eloquent. What length of sentence? Operate on them and can be seen naturally in a foreign language? Can you cut the sentences memorable?

In the case of previous expert, in his speech to the CD, the main point is unforgettable. The material is well organized, with no deviation or confusing issues aside, the content of speech is considered as well. Repetition and irregularities will be removed and new elements to move "together Oh, wait, I forgot to tell you ...", the correct section. All the "UMS" and "ERS" disappeared. That is a very professional presentation!

In many of my own presentation, I will send MP3 files for transcription services to tell them that I wanted everything to be "it", "ah", "um," "you" comes from everything from my mouth or my clients know. It helps us to see what needs to improve the language, habits, or lack of clarity, we analyzed the first step.

Third edit. Commonly misused synonymously with "remove", meaning "change" "to repair, modify or customize." In fact, right in unexpected spaces in the logic of his speech. Is amended by deleting repetition, deviation, clichés and phrases mean vague (eg "now" is the word of the dilution effect of corporate communications.) Adaptation of the material in the target audience. It is important to address the problem in terms of public interest.

Most speakers, including executives, are great when they leave, but I know how to start a little surprising. Sales person will verify the contents of an important seminar. His images are stunning and her speech is very well structured, however, will open and close their weaknesses. Your first line is: "I am delighted that we are talking now." Fade!

A good idea is to make the main ideas: "If you can negotiate, close the sale" can make even a question of public participation to respond. "Why are negotiating more attention from other business skills Because people equate?" Price "of dollars."

Entering the room. This reinforces the determination of the facts. The President can directly increase the speeches and articles with the words more accurately. For example, he says, "I go to networking events and run in packs a good card." A "group" should refer to wine only. How useful is very good and the stack of cards in your hand? However, if you say: "I went with two dozen letters, the prospects for at least fifteen of them are very good," you have an idea.

My complaint is the word "goods". Always use plain language - "Search," "Experience", "cutting edge" strategy or "technical formula" - that is still relevant. Be sure to make you look like an important document "Stuff" rather than "things" or.

If your goal is, in their presentation, sales call or presentation, remember, this technique is robust to strong! After all, what this means for your business, if every time he speaks engage, inform and inspire a great success?
If you need assistance in meeting their sales presentation, or to check out Patricia Fripp executive package value and become a true star, by the way.

Hope you like it...!!!

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